A thought on Why: God has rested on the seventh day after creating man on the sixth day. God was fully convinced with His creation that He has put everything the man can enjoy to his fullest, show authority and dominion on. It's a complete trust on man. Are we really trust worthy? Right from the day one of man's existence, God gave complete freedom on everything. Why then a tree of knowledge of good and evil? To be obedient. Where is freedom then? Freedom is better understood when it's been superseded with obedience. Right from the administration of the house, school, college, office and even the government is accountable to its appropriate authorities. Knowing that, there is somebody above you, who by watching the way you discharge your duties, appreciate you, enjoy your demonstration of authority, encourage you, uplift you in every area you needed. That is a joyous feeling which cannot be expressed. This experience is better understood by a wife when she is backed up by her husband like wise a student by his teacher or professor, an employee by his higher authorities or a Government of a country by UN or World Bank or their Allied Coalitions. Just think of a small child with his parents, playing in the beach sand. He has the whole beach to play but doesn't go beyond their sight and how freely he plays. This is freedom. We are not Gods, we were made in His image sharing some attributes of God. Let's not be boasted, nobody is more than his Creator and a creator cannot make anything above his knowledge. Does that make God too limited? God is so wiser so wiser that we cannot understand even if inane. He is way much more stronger though tender. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever, Amen. (Romans.11:36).
Not to justify, but to make a better understanding of exercising freedom under obedience: A country was given a billion dollars by World Bank for its infrastructure and and the country used all the money it was been loaned. In the course of time, because of its transparency in their work the Bank has written-off the loan making it eligible for another loan. What would be the reaction of those authorities running the Government. The same is with the Lord. The freedom that is been given when exercised under obedience does give results and at the same time you will be given added responsibilities. Isn't there joy on both the sides, the joy of giving and the joy of fulfilling? Our Lord Himself is the Originator of blessings, now who else more does we need to be backed up with?
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