This Christmas season is celebrated with joy, happiness, shopping, sweets, cakes, parties, charities etc., through out the world. Yes, Christmas brings all this into every family. Including these, there is something very important message that this season brings in.
I want to start with a miracle that Jesus Christ had done in Mark.7:31-35. Jesus heals a man who is deaf and had difficulty in speaking. What He does is, he takes him away from the crowd and smearing his tongue and stuck his fingers in his ears looking unto heavens he groans "Ephphatha". This is an aramaic word means "To Open".
What really was Jesus opening? At an appointed time (Acts.3:25) Jesus, making his way out opening the womb of Mother Mary into this world. On his way out, he is not just opening the womb, with that he is also opening which was impossible till that span of time.
Through his blood he is making us acceptable to God. He is opening the understanding of the Scriptures in explaining and expounding them. He is opening our hearts and mind to accept, willing to understand and receive the truth. With his 29 parables, he is opening to us what it would be like the Kingdom of God is. With his 33 miracles recorded in gospels, he is opening to us what his authority is. He has opened up everything that was closed/hidden before the appointed time so that he can be understood and be acceptable to keep faith (Acts.3:25,26).
It is the intention of Jesus that no man should suffer, either physically or Spiritually. He groans out of uneasiness for the generation of this world. He is speaking unto us "Ephphatha", are we ready to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior who gave Redemption and Salvation from all the sin and guilt.
This Christmas, Jesus' first cry at his birth (Vagitus) at his 'Parturition' (the act of giving birth) is for you and for me, and is out of groan "Ephphatha". Are we ready to accept Him?
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