Monday, 22 September 2014

Fig tree and it's figs

Fig tree and its figs. Fig trees grow long and are well spread. Most of the travellers sit under the fig trees and take rest. Figs on the trees are also helpful in regaining the strength of the traveller. Figs on the trees can be classified into three types before they fall of. First is the Early Figs, second is the Ripen Figs and the third is the Dark Coloured Ripen Figs. Figs are seen on the trees all through the year. We can learn a spiritual lesson from the figs and the fig trees. The spiritual understanding goes on like this, the Fig tree represents a good born again christian. A born again christian only knows how to yield a good fruit, good fruit means the characteristics of the Spirit of God (Spiritual Fruit, Gal 5:22). If anybody is a Christian, he has to deliver these characteristics of God. Now, we will see the three kinds of fruit. To the first kind, Early fruit, these figs grow and may be because of it's weight some of these early figs fall off to the ground. These are the kind of reborn christians who are very much enthusiastic to do something for God with all new resolutions, restrictions and discipline. They start with this kind of life and as the days pass on they start leaving and bypassing each and every resolution,  restriction and discipline, and at last they either fall off or just be as a nominal christian. The second is the Ripen figs, these figs are ready to taste. These are the kind of reborn christians who have survived by the grace of God having their limitations, restricting themselves and living a godly life by the love and fear of God. Because of their daily exercise in godly love and fear they withstood the temptations of evil with the help of the Spirit of God. With such a kind of nature they are now ready to witness their christian character and the God who is behind this apex lifestyle. The third kind of fruit, the dark coloured ripen figs, these are the figs that are very tasty to eat, they hanged around on the tree for a long time and they fall off on it's time. These are the kind of christians who have lived a godly disciplined life enjoying the presence of God and have transformed with the help of the Spirit of the God into the likeness of Christ. They will continue to be in that lifestyle until they leave this world to unite with God in spirit. I think we are clear now that, if a fig tree is resembling a born again christian, he has to yield his fruit (the characteristics of God), if he doesn't he will definitely be in the Kingdom of God but not in the reward. Might be Nathanael of Jn.1:43-50 would be a disciple of John the Baptist or else would be the one who according to the scriptures is waiting for the advent of the Lord was been noticed by Jesus sitting under the fig tree. Sitting under the fig tree is like trained or under the guidance of somebody who was been led and fed by the Scriptures of OT. In Mic.4:4, God promises that one will find rest under the Vine or fig trees is like resembling that if one has to be a Christian one should be led or fed or guided either under God Himself (Vine) or under some good guide or disciple of God who can yield his fruit. In Matt.21:18-22 and Mk.11:12-14, 20-26, we can see Jesus on his way to Jerusalem got hungry and when He approached a fig tree, He doesn't find any fruit, He curses the fig tree that never again it will give it's fruit. There are both a blessing and as well as a judgement,  blessing is when living in the right order according to the plan of God we can be like a mentor to the new believer's of Christ, or else, it is evident that we are washed in His blood and we are a new creation but according to the commission as we are on (Matt.28:18-20) if we dosen't work accordingly we are not worthy for the reward of God. Let us know that God wants all those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.  Let us strive to be like Christ with the help of Holy Spirit. Let us be like the dark coloured ripen figs. Have a good day.

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