God is love (1John.4:8,16). In John.14:15, 21, Jesus says to keep His commandments. His commandment is to love one another (1John.4:8) and we show our love for God by obeying His commandments (1John.5:3). It is on the Cross that Jesus loved us, not that we loved Him (1John.4:10). Assume if there is currency in heaven. The currency of heaven has LOVE on one side, by which Jesus has traded our sins on the Cross of Calvary and wanted us to have the same love for others as He had for us. A little disturbance between two can bring differences of hatred within family, friends, relatives or neighbors and there will be no love. How could this be solved then? If we don't love the other person we are going against God' commandments and if there is no situation of asking an excuse? If we say that we still love that person, either we are telling lies or deceiving ourselves. In His currency on the other side of the coin God has placed GRACE and PEACE, by which even if our relationship with that person(s) is at bleak, we can still live with that person(s) in Peace and we can still help that person(s) out of Grace, which is not exactly Love but we cannot define these acts as hatred too. Because Peace and Grace are the synonyms of the love of God. If not love we can still live at peace. Be good and do good. God bless.