Friday, 22 January 2016

Jesus, the Only Way

Most of us think and assume that after the New Testament (Commission) was given all the Old Testament has been stricken away. However, there are some verses which support this. But, I believe that to pave the road for Jesus Christ, the New Teaching is an amendment to the Old Teaching. I tried to explain my say with a drawing. This is a longitudinal section of a Roman Pavement. This is been laid with a series of layers which were labeled below. I tried to explain each of the layer with an important change that took place in the chronology.
1. Days of Conscience (Normal Earth): Under this comes the days of first worship (Genesis.4:26), Enoch, Mathuselah, Noah, etc. These people lived with Law of Conscience. Apostle Paul speaks of this in Romans.2:12.
2. Patriarchal Covenant (Crushed Rock): This Covenant is a preform of Old Testament Law which is made between the Lord and Abraham (Genesis.15:7-21).
3. Old Testament Law (Gravel in Cement Mortar): As promised to Abraham in Genesis.15:13,14, under the leadership of Moses, the people of Israel walked out of Egypt from slavery and were given the Law. This Law is a preform of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ has been every Offering of the Law on the Cross of Calvary for our and for the whole world' sake (1John.2:2).
4. Baptism of John the Baptist (Sand, Gravel and Cement): Though Jesus Christ being the complete meaning and essence of the Old Testament Law, the Scribes and the Pharisees have made a mishmash of the Scriptures and making them as a tradition (Matthew.23:13, Luke.11:52). This mishmash which is been created by Scribes and Pharisees is been rectified by John the Baptist proclaiming, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me", (John.1:29,30). The purpose of John the Baptist was necessary to make the people recognize their sin and its remission and to introduce the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ to the public.
5. Jesus Christ (Large Stone Blocks): Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him", (John.14:6,7). "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil", (Matthew.5:17). This is the declaration of the Lord.
To conclude, in Matthew.5:21-48, Jesus speaks on anger, marriage, divorce, making promise, revenge and on enemies, all of these were been compared with the Old Testament Law and giving a New Teaching of Jesus which is an amendment to the past. As the pavement cannot be permanent if any one of the layers is been taken off, so also with the five which were discussed above. For instance, Take off John the Baptist, there is no one to give a pointer to the sin and its remission and at the same time he is the only one who can point out to the meaning and essence of the Old Testament Law (i.e) Jesus Christ. Ok, let's try with taking out the Old Testament Law, then we don't have Jesus at all. If we take off Patriarchal Covenant then there is no pavement (basic foundation) of the Law. If there is no Days of Conscience then whole generation will be under the dominion of satan. So, my dear friends, as every layer is important for a better road system, the way: Jesus is the only Way and there is no other way to God Almighty. Hope I have done my best. God bless you.
Note: I mentioned the width of the road as 24 feet. The number 24 in the Holy Bible is always used in anti or for bad sense, which I am relating it to satan. And people who put their faith in Jesus tread over it as a sign of Victory over sin which was accomplished on the Cross of Calvary.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

We are the Vessels of God

Hurrah, we have come into a new year. We were been successful and even honoured for, in the past year. Well some might already had prepared a todo list for this year. It is fairly good that we have a plan for our future. But are we really planning our life? Does our plans really secure us? Might so? But there is one thing that we should really think of even before everything: The life that God has given us. When God made us, he had an elite plan for us not just restrained to this world but to the spiritual world too. A name enough of being called the children of God (John.1:12). But we lost that honour, by failing in our faith for Christ. Even though we were been introduced to this world as Christians, we seldom lived a life of a Christian. To make it straight, we never lived because of the corporate pressure. God has created us as a vessel which cannot be denied: "Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it", "Hath not the potter power over the clay.." (Isaiah.45:9 and Romans.9:21). We were made in such a way to carry the precious thing with in us "the Word Himself", "wherein was the golden pot that had manna" (Hebrews.9:4). Although, the word "vessel", which we were been referred to is in metaphorical form (అలంకారాముగ లేక ఉపమానముగ చెప్పబడిన) in the Holy Bible: speaking of Apostle Paul, God said to Ananias that "Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel" (Acts.9:15). And David in his Psalm referring to himself, "thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over" (Psalm.23:15). David, Paul and we ourselves were been referred to as vessels: earthen vessels. Apostle Paul writing about the honour of having and exercising the glory of God to Corinthians, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us" (2Corinthians.4:7). We are as containers to contain God in us, but that was not fulfilled by us. In Psalm 23:5, the word "cup" was used as a vessel to contain something within that overflows. But, there is also an another meaning referring to the same word: "unclean" and "forbidden" (in Hebrew kôs). Speaking to the Israelites, God speaks through Moses some commandments to follow, of which one is about the sacrificial and unsacrificial or forbidden animals and birds as sacrifices. God saw them as of no use like dirt. We, instead of containing the God within us, we fill our vessel with dirt which is of no use as like an unsacrificial animal. We filled the space of our vessel, ourselves with dirt and malicious malignant desires, with which we can never be a "sweet smelling sacrifice to God" (Philippines.4:18). To make us clean and acceptable to God, Jesus Christ gave Himself on the Cross so that we can be acceptable to God. He made us anew and reconciled us with God through Jesus, 2Corinthians.5:15,17-21. As we already read, we were made as useful vessels to be in the Temple of God. But we were been taken off by satan, as Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Holy Temple and taken away the vessels from the Temple of God and we, the vessels of God were been used to filthy things as like the vessels in the hands of Belshazzar, drinking and partying from the vessels that were brought by Nebuchadnezzar from the Temple of God with his princes, wives and concubines (2Chronicles.36:7,10. Daniel.5:1-4). But Gods' intention wasn't that, that we be as dirty vessels in the hands of Belshazzar. Our God who is abounded with grace (Romans.5:20b) has reconciled us with the Lord. It is like king Cyrus of Persia decreed that the vessels that were brought from the Temple of God in Jerusalem be brought back and kept in its place that is the Temple of God (Ezra.1:7, 5:15, 6:5). Our gracious God who is awesome in providing the manna everyday for more than six lakh people until they reached the Promised Land (Exodus.12:37,16:35), like filling the oil until there is no vessel left to borrow by the widowed woman (2Kings.4:6), like feeding more than five thousand by Jesus leaving twelve more baskets full (Matthew.14:21, Mark.6:44, Luke.9:14, John.6:10) is ready to fill us, use us and overflow us with his blessings. The more we takeoff the dirt creating the space within us, the more we be filled with God and his blessings. Now, God is ready to fill us and overflow us with is anointing Oil, which are our blessings. Let's create space in our vessels by faith in the Lord and taking off the dirt within us. God bless.