Monday, 22 February 2016

Metamorphosis or Metamorphose

Often we listen to one answer, that is "there are still some areas where/which I have to change". For how much time are we going to be in the process of changing? When are we going to see the end product of this change? There is a lot of difference between the two words "changing" and "changed", in other words "metamorphosis" and "metamorphose". The first word speaks of "the process of changing" and the other "into a complete change". When God made man, he made us in his own likeness (Genesis.1:26). But that likeness was marred when man sinned. From then on man was trying hard to get back into the image of God. God gave law to apply unto himself to be a better person before the sight of God. God wanted the law to be a guideline for a righteous living, but man enforced law out of his own self-righteousness. He himself made the law a burden unto himself. Thats why when Jesus in Matthew.5:19, speaking about the one who breaks one of these commandments will be called least in the Kingdom of God. But who else can keep all the commandments of the law, except God himself. Jesus, confirming that he has not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it (Matthew.5:17). By His crucifixion and resurrection, God brought grace unto everyone, by which everyone can be saved by faith in Him. This grace has given man an opportunity that the righteousness of the law can be fulfilled in him (Romans.8:4). When God made man, God could have given him a child like nature (speaking figuratively), so Jesus demands his disciples unless they be converted (to change) and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven (Matthew.18:3). Jesus wants us not to be in the process of changing, "metamorphosis", but to be changed, "metamorphose". Greek dictionary explains this difference (between metaschematizo and metamorpho/marphoo) more effectively; it describes the first word "to change a Japanese garden into an Italian garden" and the other is "to transform a garden into something wholly different, as a ball-field". The disciples of Jesus Christ, may they be wavering in their spirit, by the time of Pentecost, after the descending if the Holy Spirit, they all are become metamorphose. Apostle Paul grieving and pleading, "I travail in birth again until Christ be formed (morphoo) in you (Galatians.4:19). The expression of Paul is to change the church into the original form or the fashion of the artist is, in other words into the likeness of God. We are in the end times, we can't stay like lukewarm water (Revelation.3:16) still in the process of change (metamorphosis), by the time of our Lord's return we should be ready (metamorphose) to meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Are we a metamorphosis or a metamorphose, let's examin ourselves. God bless you.

About Picture: Wild Goat/Ibex/Conie - Psalm.104:18, Proverbs.30:26.
Hasan Novrozi, an incredibly talented sculptor who trained in Iran creates sculptures from scrap metal, whether it be from used car parts, tools or machinery.