Monday, 8 December 2014

Peter goes on fishing.

There could be times in our lives where no one will be around us to compell or to be with us in times of trouble. Every relative, friend could have left you when you much needed them. It was the same with Peter where his toil all through the night has gone on vain. The only business that could earn his food is fishing. Disappointed Peter, wasn't there in that situation for a long time. A small encouragement from God, where God was given little space in the boat, got Peter ready again to cast his nets according to the will of God. Perfect this time, got into business.  There are people who need a small encouragement from the capable. It is not the plan of God that the blessed keep their blessings themselves, but to share a bit, so that they too can be blessed. Have a good day.

Yes, in times of feeling alone or of no help,  you definetely needed some one who could give you encouragement. That is what Christ has done with Peter while fishing all through the night. It is not just what God has done but there is something what even Peter has done in response. What was that, showing Obedience to what was ordered to do. Even after all through the nights hard work, Peter didn't spoke of his tiredness or restlessness but just followed the words of encouragement with obedience. In this matter there is something what each one of them are perceiving into one another. As for as Peter is concerned, he has to run  his daily life, his occupation fishing. He is definitely a hard worker. And for Jesus, its the character of showing Obedience. There would definitely be days where Peter had gone home with empty nets. But this time, the words of encouragement and enough hope where Peter could rely on. This character of showing Obedience to the word brought Peter the day his best. Listening and showing Obedience to the word of God is one of the primary characters of a good Christian living. Have a nice day.

It was in the hardest of times we need a word of encouragement. It is right for a man to show obedience to the word of God, which God definitely expects. These are the two characters at which we have gone through, and now the extra mile. Yes, it was all the hard work that Peter had done through out the night. This is for the first time that the encounter between Christ and Peter is taking place. Christ's intention is to see the heart of Peter, expecting to show Obedience to His word. And Peter is ready to take the extra risk for his purpose. Just with a word of little encouragement from a person who is unknown,  led Peter to take risk by going deep into the sea. Why risk ? Because a depression in the climate may put Peter's life at risk and even end up in disaster. But, Peter listened to the wisdom words of God and showed obedience. This character of Peter made him to take risk to walk on water, first person to take the gospel of Christ out of Israel, to be a martyr for Christ. God wants to build His Kingdom in this world by those who can take that extra mile for God. It is not just the desire of a man that could lead him to be used by God but the character of listing to His Word and showing Obedience and by risking it practically and personally for the Kingdom of God. Have a nice day.

Till now we have gone through the points of Encouragement from the capable, Obedience to the Word of God, Taking an extra step for the Kingdom of God in the last three posts from the fishing of Peter lesson. Now, Giving a little space to God in our situation. Peter after all through the night's hard work he didn't catch even a single fish. Peter runs his household on fishing. Usually a fishing boat could contain two to three members. May be Peter and his servant or his assistant would have tried fishing the last night which was in vain. But now listening and seeing a ray of hope in Christ's words, its my assumption that Peter could have dropped his assistant and got in Jesus on his boat, taking the extra works of rowing for himself, using the rudder for himself, if that boat had a spinnaker even handling that by himself included using the nets for fishing. Taking up all these responsibilities just for a cause of fish and his house. By handling these responsibilities successfully, Peter had a bounty. All this happened because Peter opted to have a Good Guide rather than an assitant by guiding himself. A little space for God in a helpless situation made a difference. Let us invite God into our situation rather than listening to the world in a helpless and much needed time which could give us the best results. Let us rely on God. Have a good day.

We have concentrated on Encouragement from the capable,  Obedience to the Word of God,  Extra step for the establishment of the Kingdom of God, Giving space to God in our situations in the last four of my posts. Today we will concentrate on Unaware of the Circumstances. Unaware means not knowing or realising that something is happening or that something exists. It's the situation Peter was been in. Peter is in a waried situation,  for not got the fish all through the night's hard work. He was in his immense thoughts about his daily business and about his family and their needs. That was the time Jesus steps into the life of Peter. A little conversation between Peter and Jesus gave Peter a great amount of belief and hope. It was not just Peter who was alone in the sea last night, definitely he would have been accompanied with the other fisher men of same occupation. May be they could have got some fish, but Peter didn't. May be Peter could have been closely watched by his accompanies. With just a simple words of encouragement from God, Peter giving a deaf ear to all those who were accompanied with, without watching his circumstances, leaving his accompanies or assistant behind just rowed into the deeper sea with Jesus. Peter listened to God's word with his conscience and just followed his conscience at the right time. That is what with us too today, how ever bad or weary the situation might be with us. The people around you who you think your friends or relatives might be. Many around you come with great ideas and knowledge. It is important that you listen to Holy Spirit God, what He is speaking to your conscience. Take the decision with consciousness under the guidance of Holy Spirit God. That is what Peter had done and got his bounty. Let's listen to His voice and act. Have a nice day.

Good Morning, I thank God for being with us all through this week. Let us thank God for being with us. In the past five posts I have learnt something which I shared with you from the lesson Peter goes on fishing all through the night. Today, we will see what Peter was on. Peter was on a MISSION into the deep sea with Jesus on his boat. As we all know the meaning of Mission is being on a purpose. Peter's mission after listening to the wordsof Jesus was just going into the deep sea. Till then Peter know not who Jesus was. As he was satisfied and compelled by the words of Jesus this drove Peter into the deep waters. Even Peter wouldn't know that he will catch the fish or won't. But the driving force in doing this are the words of Jesus. Even today every man and woman in this world are here with a mission. Thing is we all accept thatwe are here with a mission. But in making our mission successful, who are we been guided with ?  Are we are guided by ourselves with our own consciousness and conscience or are we ready to be guided by the Holy Spirit God to be successful in our mission. Till that day Peter was successful in fetching the fish with his own planning but the difference is when he was guided by our Lord Jesus Christ he had not just enough fish but it was bounty, awesome, fullest of the full. This is the difference between leading our life's mission by ourselves and by the guidance of the Spirit of God. God is always ready to guide us in all through our toil. Let us invite God into our mission. Let God guide us daily. Have a nice day.

ENCOURAGEMENT, OBEDIENCE, EXTRA MILE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD, GIVING SPACE TO GOD IN OUR SITUATION, UNAWARE OF CIRCUMSTANCES, MISSION these are the points that we have already meditated and learnt by the grace of the Holy Spirit God. In this post we are going to meditate on CELEBRATING SUCCESS. As like evey person Peter would have felt very happy and joy deep inside his heart, when he achived what he desired for. I believe that he could have thanked Jesus when ever their eyes met in their return journey. Peter could have celebrated the event with his fellow companions who were there with him last night on sea and returned back with their fetch. Even Peter could have celebrated with their family members explaining the event. This little success in the life of Peter has drawn him so much nearer to God that as the days passed on he has come to know that Jesus is God Himself incarnated, and not just that this little success and belief on the Lord made him ready to be a martyr for Christ. This little success in the life of Peter made him to celebrate Jesus every day in the midst of a multitude after the ascension of Christ. God has taken us through many successes till today in our lives, Scripture says us to remember, celebrate and rejoice with others the success that God has given us. Even if we don't have a success on that day meterialistic cause, we have a point to celebrate that is we are been freed and given success by the accomplishment done by Jesus Christ on the cross from every bondage of sin and satan. Are we celebrating Jesus. Let's celebrate Him in all the good things He has done for us. Have a nice day.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Jesus at War

Jesus at War - Was Christ really at war ? Who was He really having a war with ? Was there a great blood shed as it happened to be like we see in history ?

Let us see Deuteronomy Chapter 20, here we see Moses giving the commandments to the people of Israel concerning about the war and its principles that have to be followed. The literal form of these commandments are to be received and followed by the people of Israel for their life time, but it didn't, by the time of King Saul. But as to King Jesus, these norms and conditions didn't apply. To learn it more clearly we should see Deuteronomy Chapter 20, Spiritually.

Moses starts his message of God with an assurance to the people of Israel (Deut.20:1), as like Prophet Isaiah speaks of an assurance from the Lord (Father) Himself regarding Jesus assuring that not to be afraid of satan, because I (Father) am sending forth my Son (Jesus) to break the yoke of his (man's) burden (Is.9:4), and God the Father speaking through the Prophet Micah that His Son (Jesus) as Ruler is going to establish an everlasting kingdom (Mic.5:2). This is a great assurance to the people of Israel from Moses not to be afraid of war because, "for the Lord thy God is with thee", (Deut.20:1) and in a spiritual sense, it is like sending an angel to Jesus who was not exactly afraid of war with satan but, He was definitely going through a great pain at garden of Gethsemane (Lk.22:43) assuring Jesus that He (Father) was with Him, at the time of war.

To make this learning simpler, let us make Father and Son as like One and the same, because in (Jn.14:8-10) Jesus, Himself confesses that He and Father are One and the same.

Now, further more in (Deut.20:2) priest should approach to the people at war, Priest, in spiritual sense is Jesus Himself, because  (Heb.7:27,28) assures us this. Now the Priest is Jesus and as well as people at war in (Deut.20:1) is also in fact Jesus as we already read in (Lk.22:43). In (Deut.20:3,4) the priest is also assuring the people at war, not to be afraid of, so as we already read concerning this point of meditation. But to culminate this point at the end of v4 as we already saw the Father and Son as One, v4 "to save you" (the people at war) is co-related to (Jn.10:17,18) where we see Jesus as the one who lay his life as well as get back His life again.

Now, lets move a little further (Deut.20:5) we are introduced to a new person, Officer who is also giving some orders to his army, the word officer in hebrew mean an Overseer and also mean An Officer in the Military, which we are rendering it to Jesus who was at real war with satan. In (Rev.19:11-21), in v11 we see Jesus as the One who is seated on the white horse who was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness He doth judge and make war, and in v14 we see Jesus was followed by the armies which were in heaven to make war with the beast and the false prophet. So, the Officer of (Deut.20:5) is equal to as our meditation is concerned  to Jesus in (Rev:19:11-21).

Let us see the orders that are passed by the officer in (Deut.20:5-8), here we can see he is making a special order to those of the new house owners who have not dedicated it, to the farmers who planted a vineyard and not eaten of its fruit, to a man who is betrothed and not married and also to a coward in the army.

The house owner is Jesus where He has built His invisible house, the Kingdom of God as we can see this in Jesus having conversation with Pilate (Jn.18:36) and also that (Mk.1:15) says that Jesus was going to build a house i.e. the Kingdom of God. But in (Deut.20:5-8) there is an exception given to the people at war to go back and have their house dedicated i.e. to dwell in their house by not coming to war. Jesus having constructed His house i.e. the Kingdom of God here in our midst, He can only dwell in His house in the time to come which is not yet proper, cannot be exempted from war with satan, but He is the only one who can make war.

To the next one who is a farmer who has planted a vineyard and not yet tasted its fruit, Jesus is also a Farmer who has come here to sow the seed of Kingdom of God in our hearts, mind and soul (Matt.13:3-9 and 18-23) not just He is a Farmer but He is also the True Vine (Jn.15:1-6), He sowed Himself in us to produce fruit, but He ascended to heaven by not tasting the fruit that we produced. He ascended to make war with satan (continue reading till the explanation of two wars by Jesus) for our sake but the farmer in (Deut.20:6) was exempted from war.

To the next verse we see here all the men that were betrothed to a maid but have not married were excluded from war. We learn that the whole book of Song of Songs was written by the writer to explain the intense relationship between God and His Church. The Church is His Maid which was betrothed. It will be much more clear when we look (Lk.14:14,15), here we can see that there is a banquet that is going to take place in the course of time after "resurrection of the just" and who ever is present in that banquet (Lk.14:16-23) is blessed. From the above discussion we are clear that the "resurrection of the just" hasn't took place yet (Rapture), so the Church which is His maid was not married to Him. So, Jesus who is at war with satan is also a betrothed Man but not married. Even though Jesus was not a married man He was not exempted from going to war with satan.

Now to v8, fear, those who are afraid of war can also leave to their houses. But we already saw in (Lk.22:41-43) that Jesus as man was going through a great pain at garden of Gethsemane but in v42 He was not exempting Himself but was fully surrendered to His Father to make war with satan. Not just He but He is also making us ready that the world would treat us the way it treated Himself (Matt.10:16-42) so, do not be afraid.

From here on as we meditate we travel much more deeper into the revelation of God. Let us meditate on (Deut.20:10-18). In the above read verses we come to know that there are two specific laws given by Moses one war against far away territories and two against the territories that were promised to the people of Israel. We are going to have a look at both of these wars in a spiritual sense i.e. one, that Jesus fought against satan for us on the cross and two, that Jesus going to make a final war against satan.

If we see the v15, Jesus is making war with far of territories. Let us pause here and let us concentrate on satan, in (Ezek.28:12b-15), satan was an angel of the Lord who was given full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, freedom of will and independence in heaven, but it was his arrogance which rebelled against God, in (Is.14:12-14) we see how arrogant he is saying himself that he will ascend into heaven, exalt his throne above God, not just that, he is making himself parallel to God most High. It was this arrogance that made him steal the mankind by making him sin against God and His Government. We read in (Ex.22:1) and in (Prov.6:31) that as the law of God teaches us that if the thief was found who robbed our "life" will have to re - pay back seven times that was robbed. But to note the fact that in (Matt.8:12) and so on we come to know that there was wailing and gnashing of teeth in his kingdom, excluding these harsh and enviest things Jesus on cross in His first war with satan brought back our life and hope which were robbed by satan in the garden of Eden. Now coming back to (Deut.20:13,14), Jesus killing all the sin and curse and its effects (to assume like killing male in v13) and taking back seven fold (is to assume like taking the little ones, the cattle, the women (who can also be married (Deut.21:10-13) etc., in v14) on the cross is the first war. The importance of the blood of Jesus on cross and its victory can also be noted in (Rev.12:10,11).

Now we will focus bit further (Deut.20:16-18). Here we can see a second war that was going to take place after the resurrection of the just (Lk.14:14). In (Rev.20:4-10) we see of this war that is going to take place, when satan and all his followers from four corners of the earth will gather to make war against Jesus where all will be destroyed by the Holy Fire from heaven from Jesus (assume that in Deut.20:16,17, not leaving anything alive or breatheth as the followers of satan in Rev.20:8). This is how Jesus is going to claim victory by casting satan and his followers into the lake of fire and brimstone for ever and ever.

Now coming to the end of the chapter (Deut.20:20), Moses says to the people at war to use the trees that doesn't give fruit to make bulwarks (a person or thing that protects or defends something, a wall built as a defence - Oxford Dictionary and the meaning of the word in this context in hebrew is a methodical attack on people, city, or country in order to overcome and conquer it or to the period of time when it occur (Ezek.4:8), engines of siege in this context). Jesus is using His Cross on which He gave His Life for us, where Jesus is using the Cross as a Siege Tower and the Will to conquer the effects of sin and curse on man from the time of Adam and Eve as Battering Ram, broke the walls of the kingdom of satan and made us free from the bondage of satan.

That is why who ever believes in Jesus will have Life and Life in Abundance (Jn.10:10b). At the close I want to remind you of one verse from (Jn.6:40) to know the will of God the Father and our Faith in His Only Son Jesus to have Life in Eternal and to be the People who would be raised to Life on the last day to be like Priests in His Kingdom for ever and ever.

This is what God wants us to know, the plan for Eternity through Jesus, to get us back to our original nature and the likeness of God Himself so was a war with satan inevitable.

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Monday, 29 September 2014


We all wear clothes. Clothes give us protection,  they represent our dignity and decorum if some times we are not of that nature too, they represent us to which class of standard lifestyle does we belong. This is the way the world studies a person. The world dosen't see into the heart of a person but it does estimate a person by his outward appearance. Now a days there are even some programs or seminars that are been conducting on such a type of topic to the present and the next generations to follow. Clothes play such an important role in a persons' life. Clothes does played an important role in the Holy Bible too, but not in the perspective of the world but they taught us the lessons of life. In the long back time not like our modren clothing, they used to have robes. Robes does the same thing as like our modren clothing does. It was their custom too. Every body had them either new or old or spoiled. Usually they are from neck to either knees or ankles is uncertain. They are made out of wool. Natural colour of the garment is white, grey and slight yellow. Usually these garments are knitted, so it is time taking and as well people don't have these like normal clothing in number. That is why they are of an important commodity. We are going to see four of these robes that have played a very important role in the Bible as well as in every persons life. The four are of these is 1. The Robe of Atonement. 2. The Robe of Salvation.  3. The Robe of Character.  4. The Robe of Life. Let us meditate upon each one of the Robes. 1. The Robe of Atonement - For the first time in the history of man, he has something to wear upon. Until then the humankind was naked (Ge.2:24) for which they are not ashamed of. Till they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge about good and evil, they didn't know that they are naked (Ge.3:7). Then in the same verse we see they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. In it's continuation in v.21, the Lord God make coats out of skins and clothed them. Let us see the words aprons, and coats as given in (KJV). Aprons, the word does denote meanings like a sash, a girdle,  a belt, a loincloth, loin coverings. The loincloth and loin coverings gives us the clear meaning  to which parts and to how much extant are knitted fig leaves covering. Now to Coats, it meant, a long under garment with collar cut out for one's head; the main common garment worn by men or women. The above meanings makes us clear that Lord God gave them the best of the coverings. By their act of disobedience, they themselves invited sin and satan into their lives. It was God who became the first high priest to make a sin offering (Le.4:27,28), an Atonement for the remission of sin. Atonement, at it's basic level, the word conveys the notion of covering but not in the sense of merely concealing, it is like the overlaying of wood with pitch so as to make it waterproof (Ge.6:14). God doesn't want His creation to be like a curse but wants them to be of free and be reconciled with God again. This is why God made Robes for humankind out of skins, to cover us, to reconcile us with God. 2. The Robe of Salvation - When humankind was in it's deepest trouble of sin, which they know not. But for God it was the time to deliver humankind from the clutches of satan, sin and death. The words of hope of Salvation can be seen in the words of Isaiah and Jeremiah. In (Is.33:22), the prophet speaks that The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King, He will save us. In (Ps.68:20), David speaks, He that is our God is the God of Salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues of death. Both of the prophets are speaking about Jesus, He is the King (Jn.12:12-15), He is our Judge (Rev.5), He is the Lawgiver; note the word from Psalm 68:20, GOD in block letters, the right meaning of the word comes only once in the Bible in (Ex.3:14), different version's of the Bible have translated the word as God, Lord. The recent studies of the word in various articles and grammars, it's exact meaning is still being researched, but it's the form of covenant name of Israel's God revealed to Moses at Sainai. The revealed God to Moses at Sainai is the Lawgiver. It is in the gospel of John 1:1-3, that says Jesus was with God right from the beginning and without His knowledge there was nothing. In Ex.3:14, Heb.13:8, Rev.1:8, Jesus was the same. This same Jesus became our sin offering being our high priest Himself. In Jn.19:23,24, the soilders divided His clothes and for the outer garment they cast lots. At garden of Eden, when humankind hid themselves because of their shame, God covered their shame with coats (robes) of skin. Here at Golgotha Jesus was been stripped off His clothes (robes), exposing Jesus to shame and humiliation. The robe that covered the sin of Adam and Eve (humankind) the Atonement of Christ, the God who was responsible for that Atonement was now being exposed to shame by stripping of the robes (garments); it was actually we should be ashamed of, but Christ made Himself exposed to shame and humiliation on our behalf and covering us by the Robe of Salvation, making part of the verse of Is.33:22 come true "He will save us" and also dealing with issues of death in (Ps.68:20), on the cross, saving humankind from eternal death. 3. The Robe of Character - At our start we have come to know that the natural colours of the robe is white, grey and slight yellow. There is also a special robe in the Bible which is quiet different from all the other robes of the Bible, the robe of Joseph son of Jacob the patriarch. Why was the robe so special ? Because he was very much loved by his father. As like the robe the character of the person wearing the robe (Joseph) is also of a special character in the whole Bible. Joseph's brothers were jealous about him aslike the sadducees, the pharisees, the teachers were jealous about Jesus because of multitude of following for His teaching and miracles. Joseph was been sold aslike Jesus was been sold for thirty silver shekels by Judas Iscariot. Joseph became a slave aslike Jesus in Jn.13:5-15, being a Master, He washed the feet of His disciples doing the work of a slave. Joseph was made as a overseer over Potiphar's house aslike Jesus too is an overseer on His Father's creation. Joseph was made the ruler of the land aslike Jesus is the King Himself. Not just this Joseph had the fear of God, in his own words in Gen.39:9, how can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God ? Jesus in Matt.10:16, says I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. Jesus wants us to wear the Robe of Character until we are in this world. The character that is like a sweet smelling sacrifice which is unique aslike the robe of Joseph. In Col.3:12, Paul states us to be gentle,  kind, humble, meek and to be patient in any sort of situations, where Jesus Himself had all these when He was in this world. God wants us to wear the Robe of Character which will at the end of the age gives us the reward of God. 4. The Robe of Life - This is the robe that was given to all those faithful followers of Christ till the end of the time. We can see this in Rev.7:9, where multitude of people from every race, tribe, nation and language were present. In Rev.7:14-17, it was been clarified that who were the great multitude were. In Matt.10:16-18,22, Jesus says to remain faithful until the end, you will be saved. In Matt.5:11,12, it is the reward that is waiting for them, who have endured the insult because of Me (Jesus). These were the people who we can see in Matt.25:34-40, the reward is the Kingdom that was prepared even before the time, the reward is leading them to the life-giving water Rev.7:17, the reward is eating the fruit of life-giving tree Rev.2:7, the reward is the glorious life Rev.2:10, the reward is a new name Rev.2:17, the reward is the power of the Father Rev.2:27,28, the reward is to wear white clothes Rev.3:5, the reward is the name be engraved on the pillar (one who endured till the end is established as pillar) in the Holy temple of God Rev.3:12, the reward is sitting with God Himself on His throne Rev.3:21. Apostle Paul in 1Cor.9:24,25, calls this as a race to win. In Phil.3:12-14, Paul, inspite of knowing his weakness, taking God as his strength wants to make it to the goal to take hold of the prize that he was struggling for. It is God's eternal plan that He wants everyone of us to reach for the reward, the Robe of Life. The time is near for the second coming of the Son of God. Matt.24:36, 25:13, we know not when it is, only the Father knows Matt.24:36. The coming of the Son of God can be seen in Matt.24:30,31 Mk.13:24-27, Lk.21:25-28. Are we all ready to face the Son of God. It's already half way now, the Robe of Atonement and the Robe of Salvation have already taken place, we are only left with the Robe of Character, which we can put on and run towards the Robe of Life faithfully with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Let's join the race. Have a nice day.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Fig tree and it's figs

Fig tree and its figs. Fig trees grow long and are well spread. Most of the travellers sit under the fig trees and take rest. Figs on the trees are also helpful in regaining the strength of the traveller. Figs on the trees can be classified into three types before they fall of. First is the Early Figs, second is the Ripen Figs and the third is the Dark Coloured Ripen Figs. Figs are seen on the trees all through the year. We can learn a spiritual lesson from the figs and the fig trees. The spiritual understanding goes on like this, the Fig tree represents a good born again christian. A born again christian only knows how to yield a good fruit, good fruit means the characteristics of the Spirit of God (Spiritual Fruit, Gal 5:22). If anybody is a Christian, he has to deliver these characteristics of God. Now, we will see the three kinds of fruit. To the first kind, Early fruit, these figs grow and may be because of it's weight some of these early figs fall off to the ground. These are the kind of reborn christians who are very much enthusiastic to do something for God with all new resolutions, restrictions and discipline. They start with this kind of life and as the days pass on they start leaving and bypassing each and every resolution,  restriction and discipline, and at last they either fall off or just be as a nominal christian. The second is the Ripen figs, these figs are ready to taste. These are the kind of reborn christians who have survived by the grace of God having their limitations, restricting themselves and living a godly life by the love and fear of God. Because of their daily exercise in godly love and fear they withstood the temptations of evil with the help of the Spirit of God. With such a kind of nature they are now ready to witness their christian character and the God who is behind this apex lifestyle. The third kind of fruit, the dark coloured ripen figs, these are the figs that are very tasty to eat, they hanged around on the tree for a long time and they fall off on it's time. These are the kind of christians who have lived a godly disciplined life enjoying the presence of God and have transformed with the help of the Spirit of the God into the likeness of Christ. They will continue to be in that lifestyle until they leave this world to unite with God in spirit. I think we are clear now that, if a fig tree is resembling a born again christian, he has to yield his fruit (the characteristics of God), if he doesn't he will definitely be in the Kingdom of God but not in the reward. Might be Nathanael of Jn.1:43-50 would be a disciple of John the Baptist or else would be the one who according to the scriptures is waiting for the advent of the Lord was been noticed by Jesus sitting under the fig tree. Sitting under the fig tree is like trained or under the guidance of somebody who was been led and fed by the Scriptures of OT. In Mic.4:4, God promises that one will find rest under the Vine or fig trees is like resembling that if one has to be a Christian one should be led or fed or guided either under God Himself (Vine) or under some good guide or disciple of God who can yield his fruit. In Matt.21:18-22 and Mk.11:12-14, 20-26, we can see Jesus on his way to Jerusalem got hungry and when He approached a fig tree, He doesn't find any fruit, He curses the fig tree that never again it will give it's fruit. There are both a blessing and as well as a judgement,  blessing is when living in the right order according to the plan of God we can be like a mentor to the new believer's of Christ, or else, it is evident that we are washed in His blood and we are a new creation but according to the commission as we are on (Matt.28:18-20) if we dosen't work accordingly we are not worthy for the reward of God. Let us know that God wants all those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.  Let us strive to be like Christ with the help of Holy Spirit. Let us be like the dark coloured ripen figs. Have a good day.

Friday, 19 September 2014


Please, this is the term that was used in the OT with the same meaning as it is, only thrice. This is an antiquated word which is not at all used in modren times. The word itself tells us the way it is been used (polite, politely, politeness, politer, politest). This word was been used, first, in Gen 12:13, I pray thee (KJV), second, Num 20:10, hear now (KJV), and third, Num 20:17, I pray thee (KJV) in this form in the OT. Some translations have just left this word from the scripture. Why am I stressing on this word particularly ? In all the three times the word was used just to satisfy the human emotions. In the first instance, Abraham and Sarah were in Egypt because of famine, Abraham asks Sarah pleasingly that she should say that I am your brother, this will let me live or else gets me death. Abraham to spare his life he is letting Sarah into a dangerous situation. Of course Abraham was a half - brother to Sarah. But in this instance Abraham was only meant of his life by intentionally pushing somebody into a dangerous situation. In the second instance Moses was demanded by God to keep the command what was he insisted to do. But, Moses with his outpouring anger he smote the rock twice for which he was insisted to speak. At Massah, he spoke and at Meribah he smote. It was just the anger which he was showing towards a people who were promised by God to be rescued from slavery. In the third instance, Moses was asking the Edomites to pass them through the land which they were not permitted even to set a step on the land. In Deut 2:5, God has commanded them not to pass through the land of Edom, inspite of God's command Moses is sending a word to pass them through the land. What a kind of leadership is this, that is denouncing even the command of God. Was it pride, we can see for the answer in Num 20:12, where God wants Himself to be sanctified before the people of Israel. Moses taking the pride (?) Of letting Israelites out of Egypt. In the above three instances we see the word 'please' was used to fulfill just the human emotions. But it is in Christ in every moment of His life, right from His birth till death and from resurrection to the ascension into heaven, we can literally see the meaning of the word please. Meekness is like please, obedience is like please, surrendering to His Father is like please, taking the lashes on His back is like please, taking up the cross is like please, the agony on the cross is like please, death on the cross is like please, please, please, please. All through the life of Jesus it was like pleading His Father for ourselves 'PLEASE' for My sake. What a God we have who really knows the true meaning of please. Let us know the true meaning of please as it was in the life of Jesus. Let's practice it. Have a good day.

Thursday, 18 September 2014


Hosanna! Hosanna! These are the voices of the people of Jerusalem, when they heard about Jesus coming into Jerusalem they invited Jesus with palm branches and covering the roads with their clothes while Jesus came in riding on a colt. Inviting the conquered  kings of that perticular country in this fashion is quite common even before the time of Jesus and after the time of Jesus for quiet some time. People of that country expect the arrival of new king will bring them new resolutions that would help their lifestyle in their daily living. That is why they give a grand welcome to the new king or emperor. The peoples expectation will go wrong when things turn on the other direction, when king is ruthless in collecting the taxes and making the the country men work for himself etc., Even some country men will make plot in killing the king himself or by working for the enemy territories in removing their king form throne. If the new king is as expected by the people of that country, after his death he will be given a great burial. This is the normal  psychology of the people. This is the same  thing that is happening with Jesus too. The people of all the Israel were there in Jerusalem for Passover, many people have personally witnessed the miracles done by Jesus. A man who was been talked about all of the Israel, became famous by His teachings, who have a great following crowd. Seeing these qualities in a man, knowing or unknowingly the prophecy by Zachariah was being fulfilled by the people of Israel, welcoming Jesus to be their King. But the people didn't acknowledge the continuation of the prophecy which goes on saying that the Kingdom will be established from sea to sea  and across all the earth by peace. This resulted in the crucifixion of Jesus. Every thing was registered by Luke and John in their gosples. John registers a crucial point in his gospel in Ch.1 v10 and v11 that they recognised Him not. The God who as a King came on His own to establish His eternal Kingdom on earth was been given a warm welcome in expectation but resulted in crucifixion, the only person who can establish and manifest His actual nature as God Himself, being meek and surrendering Himself to the plan of God the Father taking on the cross our sin and shame and providing us the eternity. Let us thank God for what He has done for us and let's shout a big HOSANNA! HOSANNA!  for Jesus as David in his 103 Psalm praises God for what He has done. Jesus is our KING. Have a nice day.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Understanding God

How can we understand God ? How far are we understood God ?  Is God understandable ? Does God fit in our mind ? How much we know about God ? Is God explainable in his complete Holiness ? Bible in the Book of Genesis says that God's Spirit was hovering on the face of the earth. If one stand in a direction on the face of the earth, one cannot explain what is going on in all the other three directions which he cannot see. God has given us a great brain but it works within its limitations; so it is impossible for man to understand God. If a highly qualified educated person if asked to tell about his perception about God, he can only tell or discribe what he has studied from or out of his research he can give his perception about God. Is God just what his thesis explained ? If you ask a spiritual person about his perception of God, he could tell about God what he has experienced through the revelation and the rhema, vision he experienced. Can we just say that this is what God in complete ? That is why great wise king Solomon himself is accepting that God is difficult to understand (Ecclesiastes.8:16,17). In the Book of Job in Chapters 38, 39, 40, 41, God is explaining to Job about what He is; even then God has explained about Himself a very little. Even if God was in touch personally with Adam, he was unable to understand God; if he would have understood God Adam definitely wouldn't have sinned against God. God revealed Himself as 'I AM' to Moses. There is a fathom of knowledge embedded within that title. The title itself is Life that doesn't be taken off. For better understanding the God of Expanse Himself is embedded to a perticular name by calling Himself as Jehovah (Jesus) so that people can understand and revere Him. The more He came close by, the more the mankind deteriorated. Now God Himself took the shape of man, so that man could understand his own alike people,  but John writes that they didn't know Him as God and accepted Him not (John.1:10,11). They didn't understand the nature of God (expecting Messiah in some other form). John writing the Book of Revelation didn't understand the mystery over what he was watching at until God Himself interferes explaining the mystery (Revelation.1:17-20). Jesus after assended to heaven, through apostles man only understood what God has done for him (mankind) through Salvation and Redemption on the Cross; but felt difficult in understanding God. Even we whom we call our close friends don't know some of their likes and dislikes. If we want to understand God the only way is to be very close to Him, then we can understand His Righteousness,  Holiness, Awesomeness, the great Expanse of His Spirit and more than anything else the Just nature of the Living God. Let us be very close to Him so that we could know Him better. The more we know, the more we BE or DO. Have a nice day.